the art and science of healing

About Me
I am a Licensed Acupuncturist who holds a Master of Science degree in Acupuncture. I also hold a Master of Arts in Nursing and a Juris Doctorate. I have over forty years of experience in Professional Health Care, having enjoyed careers in Clinical Nursing and Medical Law before entering the field of Eastern Medicine in 2002.
I am a Lifelong Learner who brings my curiosity and love of learning to everything I do. My belief is that the best way to affect health, whether it is the health of my patients or the world, is to start with my own. I am a committed Self Care Advocate and I invite my patients to join me on this path.

About My Work
I integrate a number of styles of Acupuncture. My approach is to address your chief concerns by providing a personalized course of care aimed at helping to relieve your present discomfort, distress or dysfunction, as well as moving you toward a higher quality of health and life. Working with me over time usually achieves the best results, although even a few sessions may be helpful in getting you through a health crisis.
Acupuncture is the evidence-based art of moving and balancing your Qi. Acupuncture works on multiple levels connecting you to your own inner resources for change and healing. My work involves helping you to understand your own unique nature and how to more resourcefully tend to your Qi day-to-day, so that you can keep the changes initiated in our sessions working for you between sessions.
Practice Details
My office is located steps away from the train station overlooking the Hudson River in the historic Golden Eagle on Garrison's Landing.
I see patients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Appointments last one hour, I work with one person at a time and stay with you the entire time.
I do not participate as an in-network provider in any insurance plans.